OCT 19/20

Ruotao Mao

Ruotao Mao, violin

Exquisite and Electric:
Ruotao Plays Brahms

Gabriel FauréPavane

Maurice RavelLe Tombeau de Couperin

Johannes BrahmsViolin Concerto

Rowan College of South Jersey
Saturday, October 19 3PM

Stockton PAC
Sunday, October 20   2PM

OCT 19/20

Ruotao Mao

Ruotao Mao, violin

Exquisite and Electric:
Ruotao Plays Brahms

Gabriel FauréPavane

Maurice RavelLe Tombeau de Couperin

Johannes BrahmsViolin Concerto

Rowan College of South Jersey
Saturday, October 19 3PM

Stockton PAC
Sunday, October 20   2PM